Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2017 All Rights Reserved USGenNet Data Repository Please read USGenNet Copyright Statement on this page: Transcribed and submitted by Linda Talbott for the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Formatted by USGenNet Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== Port Huron Times-Herald Tuesday, January 24, 1911 BITES AN OFFICER FRED WAGER, HOPELESSLY INSANE, IS REMOVED TO THE COUNTY JAIL FRED WAGER, who for a number of years was employed by the Port Huron Light & Power Co., is at the county jail in a hopelessly insane condition. WAGER resides at the corner of Twelfth and Miller streets and a call came to police headquarters on Monday night that WAGER was in a violent mood and it was feared that he might harm members of his family. Patrolmen NEEDHAM and ALLOWAY brought WAGER to the jail and in the struggle with the in- sane man ALLOWAY was bitten on the right hand. An application will be made in the probate court to have WAGER confined in the asylum at Pontiac. The unfortunate man is laboring under the delusion that he is the manager of a million dollar estate. ==========================================================================