Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2012, All Rights Reserved U.S. Data Repository Please read U.S. Data Repository Copyright Statement on this page: Submitted by Linda Talbott for the US Data Repository ========================================================================= U.S. Data Repository NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================= Formatted by U.S. Data Repository Chief Archivist, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. =========================================================================== NAME: George M. Cox OTHER NAME(s): 1918-1919, USS Puritan (SP-2222) 1919-1933, Puritan 1933-1933, George M. Cox REASON: stranded at Rock of Ages Light DATE: May 27, 1933 LOCATION: Lake Superior TYPE: propeller, passenger HULL TYPE: steel BUILDER: Craig Shipbuilding Co., Toledo, OH, May 5, 1901 OWNERSHIP: 1901-1918, Graham & Morton Transportation, Milwaukee, WI 1918-1919, U.S. Navy, Washington, D.C. 1919-1923, Chicago, Racine & Milwaukee Line, Milwaukee, WI 1923-1927, Michigan Transit Corp.(IL), Chicago, IL 1927-1928, R. Floyd Clinch, Chicago, IL 1928-1933, Michigan Transit Corp. (IN), Chicago, IL 1933-1933, Isle Royale Transportation (AZ), Chicago, IL MASTER: TONNAGE: 1762 gross LENGTH: 233 ft BEAM: 40.42 ft DEPTH: 21.75 ft REBUILDS: 1907- tonnage & dimension change (259x40.42x26.50, 1762 g.) CASUALTIES: 0 SURVIVORS: STEAMER COX SINKS AT ISLE ROYALE ALL BELIEVED SAFE ON REEF -------------------- Former Puritan, Well Known Here, Strikes Rocks In Lake Superior ----------------- 2 Women Reported Injured; Rest of 125 Make Way to Safety ---------- Local Boy, Edward Mitchell Is Radio Operator Aboard Vessel -------- LATE BULLETIN ---- At 2:30 this morning Associ- ated Press authorities informed The News that no further in- formation regarding the steam- er George M. Cox, which went aground and later sank off Isle Royale in Lake Superior Satur- day evening, would be obtain- able for several hours, due to the general closing of lines of com- munication. Definate wireless reports, confirmed at Houghton by Capt. M.L. Gilbert, manager of the steamship line, stated that all passengers and crew were safe. Capt. Clark of the steamer Isle Royale, sister-ship of the Cox and now at Manistee await- ing sailing, was kept informed of the disaster by The News Satur- day evening and early today. He said it would be impossible to offer an explanation of the sinking until more facts were learned. HOUGHTON, MICH., May 28 (AP) Reports reaching here at 12:30 a.m. today said the pass- enger steamer George M. Cox, which went aground on the Rock of Ages reef near Isle Royale in Lake Superior early Saturday eve- ning, had rolled over and sunk. Capt. M.L. Gilbert, man- ager of the Isle Royale Tran- sit company, owners of the vesel, said George M. Cox president of the line, and two women were aboard the freighter M. S. Tremainex, enroute to Port Arthur, Ont. The two women, whose names were not reported, were said to have been injured. Extent of the injuries was not learned. The crew and passengers were reported safe on Rock of Ages reef. Reports of the disaster were received here in frag- mentary form by wireless from ships in this vicinity. Officials of the line here said about 125 persons were aboard the Cox. They said the vessel's wireless ceased to be heard about 6 p.m., Saturday. Ship's operator, it was learned, is Edward Mitchell of Ludington, Mich. As far as could be learned there were no fatalities. TWO HARBORS, MICH., May 27. - (AP) - The coast guard cutter Crawford left here early tonight to go to the aid of the passenger and freight steamer George M. Cox, reported aground on the Rock of Ages, Isle Royale. The freighter M.S. Tre- mainex, which cleared the Duluth harbor at 2:30 a.m. today, also was reported proceeding toward the help- less steamer. Wireless messages from the grounded ship to Duluth discontinued shortly after 6 p.m. today and it was pre- sumed the steamer's wire- less equipment had been impaired. Reports at Duluth were that the steamer went on the rocks at Isle Royale in a dense fog late this afternoon. The Daily News, Ludington, Michigan Sunday, May 28, 1933 ----------------------------- Enroute from Hancock, MI to Fort William, Ont. Struck reef in heavy fog, rolled over and slid off into deep water shortly after. No loss of life. ======================================================================== Sources: The Daily News, Ludington, MI., May 28, 1933 Bowling Green State University, Historical Collections of the Great Lakes