Copyright USGenNet Inc., 2011, All Rights Reserved USGenNet. Data Repository Please read USGenNet Data Repository Copyright Statement on this page: SOURCE: California State Library, Small Manuscript Collection Submitted by William (Rick) Bisbee on August 25, 2011 [Bisbee Family Connection Genealogy Website] For inclusion in the USGenNet Data Repository =========================================================================== Amasa Heald to his sister, Hannah, and her husband, Solomon, with added note for the children =========================================================================== Pine Grove Dec. 21, 1854 Kind brother and sister I received yours mailed of Sept 1 about two ago at the same time one from Olive dated Oct. 22 stating that Tim had lost an arm. Can it be possible! What won't happen to him next? I have written to him directing to San Francisco to the care of A. J. Pope, but have received none from him. When I received your letter mailed of May 1 I received several others one from Lydia dated May 16 saying she had just received one from Tim giving her the same directions. You write his letters are to be sent to the care of L. G. Page. If you write him soon tell him to direct my letters to Marysville. At the time I received your last I was suffering from the effects of a sore under my right arm similar in nature to a felon. I've had several this season otherwise my health is good. I am now in a vegitable store which Wyman and I have started a this place. I left the ranch about a week ago. We have got about 42000 lbs. or at least started that from the ranch and have about half of it now. It cost 4 cts per lb. for freight distance [torn and illegible] Potatoes are worth 10 cts here at present, wether remarkably dry and trade dull. There is no snow here & has been no heavy rains this season yet. At this season of the year snow is said to be 10 or 12 ft deep usually at this place. I think Hannah preached me quite a sermon (which is a rare thing in this part of Cal.) and wish'd me to leave the wicked country. Hannah I've not got ready to leave the country yet but am in hopes in one year from this time circumstances will allow me to meet my friends in Maine. However I shall set no time as it is verry uncertain when I shall get ready to go home. You see I have to call cold Maine home yet. Solomon I keep from bad company by keeping none at all. Good society is hard to find here. Sunday is used as the greatest business day especially in trade by the best of people in the mountains. At present they suspend business on Sunday in the principle citys. To Timothy and Moriah Your father writes me that you are almost grown people. I am in hopes to find a smart young man & woman when I return. Remember now is your best time to get knowledge. Soon you will have to look out for yourselves when you will see the need of learning to do business in an easy & ready manner. Timothy, drop you wildness and tricks now & cling to book that in after life you may not reflect on your time being mispent. Good day to you all From your friend & relative A. Heald ===========================================================================